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Three steps to success


Important initiatives for continuous improvement “Fit For Future” is the heading under which we are re-launching our existing in-house ISO/TS 16949-based system for continuous improvement, which allows all of our employees to make targeted proposals to the company. Building on the foundation of the three Fs contained in the title “Fit For Future” our company will attain fitness through three programs. The units involved will be the entire administration and production department as well as logistics/shipping and system technology. The first objective the program will focus on is the process of continuous improvement. In this part of the program it will be imperative to quickly implement numerous steps towards improvement in easy-to-manage teams. Each employee and/or the individual departmental teams bring their ideas and proposals aiming at the optimization of their daily work processes to the table. The improvements are rapidly targeted and implemented in the team’s direct work environments. Ultimately, we will attain great benefits thanks to the continuity and large number of individual ideas. The next module of the “Fit For Future” initiative focuses on the ICM – the Improvement and Correction Measure. It aims at the identification and implementation of targeted improvement measures.    Targeted improvement measures

During this process, we implement certain measures in-house and monitor compliance with deadlines based on the corporate goals we have set or the pertinent audit results. Consequently, in the medium term, we achieve the planned optimization throughout the entire management system.            The third pillar of our improvement strategy is the AQM - the Auto Quality Matrix. It uncovers and eliminates acute errors in individual cases. Experts from all departments who have knowledge and skills to contribute to our improvement process come up with solutions for issues as they arise. As a result, both, external, as well as in-house error reports can quickly be addressed by the teams. Problems can be eliminated for good. The main emphasis of the overall improvement process is always on attaining a zero error rate and maximum product quality so that we can meet our customers‘ high standards day after day. Thanks to efficient work processes, increased productivity and a motivated team of employees who are actively involved in the creation of their work environment we are in a position to attain optimum work results.


> Wölco News 2008 (PDF)